* Please note that the June 26th class has been cancelled.
Patrons are invited to sign up to learn a very popular Hula called "Little Brown Gal." No pressure, just fun! Along the way, in 3 weekly lessons, you will learn a little about the hula, the Hawaiian language, and how to sew your own crepe paper Lei to finish at home. Supplies will be provided. A live ukulele player, (nicknamed Pi, from Pineapple) also from Hawaii, will attend at least the 1st week to provide some back up music for us while you learn the first steps. No hula skirt required. Just come in colorful clothing and be ready to kick off your shoes.
The class is being held on Mondays, June 5, 12, and 26, from 6:45 pm to 7:30 pm in the library's Auditorium. This is a progressive instructional series. It is not required that you attend all three classes, but it is recommended to join the first class to understand and participate in class two and three. Registration is required. Reserve asap, as class size is limited.
To register or for any questions, please contact Andrea at a.s.carey@juno.com.
About the instructor:
Andrea Star (aka Andrea S. Carey) learned the Hawaiian hula from her mother at age 6. Her first public performance was at 11 years old when her mom taught Andrea's Girl Scout troop to perform as a group at a Girl Scout talent show. Since then, Andrea has performed at many occasions, most recently at Westerly's Foundations Chorus last December.