The library will be closed Saturday, March 8th for our Caddy Stacks Fundraiser.
This month's exhibit will feature nautical folk art pieces from local artist Paul Helgesen! Head to the Hoxie Gallery from 5-7 pm on Wednesday, March 5th for an opportunity to enjoy light bites, and to meet the artist. His pieces can be viewed in the Hoxie Gallery through the month of March during library hours.
About Paul Helgesen:
I have been involved in the arts my entire life starting with Mom and Dad who raised me, both graduates of Rhode Island School of Design, both practicing artists. My professional resume includes many years as Design Director for the Pfaltzgraff Dinnerware Company. During that period we collaborated with the Museum of American Folk Art in New York City when we designed and developed the “America” dinnerware collection. I have always admired folk art and became a collector of antiques including furniture, toy cars and Jugtown ware as well as folk art including crows, duck decoys and bird houses.
My fascination with all things nautical began over forty years ago on a tiny remote island off the coast of Nova Scotia. After our first visit, we fell in love with the place, began spending summers there and, ultimately, bought a summer home and a fishing boat. Life on the island is like going back in time. The year-round residents are lobstermen who live in a tiny community with their boats, dirt roads, a two room schoolhouse, an old fire truck and a little ferry that goes to and from the mainland. This way of life is my inspiration for “Life in the Maritimes”.
For materials I use primarily rough sawn lumber from the sawmill. I also use copper and brass as well as pieces of rusted steel that I pick up on the roads and beaches. My work is a mixture of whimsy and realism-some of it serious and some of it ridiculous.
Please note:
Westerly Library & Wilcox Park staff often take photos and recordings during programs and events, which may be used in publicity and marketing. If you do not wish to have your photo used, please contact a staff member to let us know and we will make every effort to honor that request.