The library will open at 1 PM on Tuesday, March 4th for Staff Development.
Westerly Sun Column | Plan Your Summer Getaway With the Library
July 24, 2023

I’m in the midst of planning a family vacation for later this summer, a process that I find completely overwhelming. I count my blessings to be in a position to even take a vacation, but it doesn’t change the fact that planning a trip out-of-state – especially with kids – is sort of a nightmare. Where to stay that caters to families, but won’t be unbearably loud at all hours? What restaurants have a menu large enough to satisfy our varied palettes? How will we keep the kids awake in the car when it’s not naptime? It’s a lot! Honestly, (this is not an ad) the resources at the library have been instrumental to making my vacations a success.
Let’s start with planning. The library has access to an incredible collection of travel guides – trusted names like Fodor’s and Frommer’s – to help you map out your trip. Fodor’s also has a series of “Fodor’s Family” guides that are intended for people like myself, traveling with little ones. If you like less touristy spots, you can try alternate guides as well, like the “Off the Beaten Path” series. The great thing about the library is that they are free to borrow, so you don’t have to just pick one or two. Borrow as many as are available for a particular location, so you have all the information!
Once you know where you’re going, it’s a good idea to bring some form of entertainment for your downtime (if you’re fortunate enough to get any). In an ideal world, I would check out 5-6 books to bring along with me, but, realistically, they’ll probably remain untouched and just take up precious luggage real estate. eBooks and eAudiobooks are a great space-saving alternative, so I have both hoopla and Libby downloaded to my phone. If you’re traveling with kids and teens, we have a ton of options to keep them entertained, from Playaways to Make & Take kits to Wipe-Clean activity books.
Now, let’s talk internet. I’ll tell you from experience, you do NOT want to be stuck waiting 90 minutes for a meal with a hangry and incredibly impatient toddler who is only keeping it together because you promised them "Bluey" on the iPad…only to find out that there’s no Wi-Fi. Or standing in line at an amusement park, unable to access your mobile tickets which you failed to download to your phone. Or trying to get a child to sleep in a weird hotel with boisterous neighbors, but the sound machine isn’t working. 21st century problems, to be sure, but problems nonetheless. These aren’t a problem for me anymore, though, because I have two words for you: Mobile Hotspot. The library lends these bad boys out to cardholders for a week at a time, and I will never again travel without one.
Wherever you go this summer, remember to take a trip to the library first. I guarantee that there is something here to help make it a little easier or more enjoyable.
By Cassie Skobrak, Adult Services Librarian