The library will open at 1 PM on Tuesday, March 4th for Staff Development.
Library Card Policy
Borrowing Privileges and Responsibilities
Cardholders should present their library card when checking materials out from the library. Scanned library cards that are presented via a mobile device will be accepted at checkout.
- Cards presented should belong to the person presenting the card unless otherwise authorized by permission of the card owner.
- Parents should not be using their child’s card to check out items for themselves. Cardholders are responsible for all materials borrowed on their account, all use of the card and all charges made against it, until the card is reported lost to the Library. All materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date. Most circulating material can be returned to any OSL public library location.
Items will be auto-renewed two times if:
- The items are eligible (some items cannot be renewed, i.e. Library of Things)
- There are no holds on the title
- The cardholder does not have an item overdue for 7 days or more
- The library card is in good standing (no fines over $10 and the card is not expired)
Fines and Replacement Charges
- Westerly Library does not charge late fees for any non-express traditional items (books, DVDs) loaned from its own collection
- Fines are charged for items returned or renewed after their due date in accordance with the lending policy of the library that owns the material
- No loans will be made to cardholders that owe more than $10 in fines and/or any lost or billed items checked out to them
- OSL libraries will accept payments for lost, unreturned, and overdue materials from any OSL member library
- Refunds on lost materials are subject to the policies of the owning library
ID Requirements
For patrons age 13 and over:
To apply for a card, applicants aged 13 and over may provide one of the following:
- Current Rhode Island driver's license (if address is not current, current address must be written on the back as provided for on the license)
- Current Rhode Island State ID
- Current Photo learner's permit
Alternatively, if one of the above-mentioned IDs cannot be provided, one form of photo identification may be presented along with one form of proof of residency (documents should be current):
Photo Identification (Must have name and photo)
- Passport
- Current Armed Services ID
- Current Driver’s license from another state
- Student I.D.
- Bus Pass (must have photo)
- Work I.D. (must have photo)
- Current college or university photo ID card
- Current employee photo ID card
Proof of Residency (Must match name on photo I.D. presented and contain full local address)
- Personal or payroll check
- Cable, phone or utility bill
- Rental Lease
- Proof of mailing (any piece of mail delivered by the US Post Office)
- Report Card
- Tax Bill or receipt
Young Adult Borrowers:
Students 13 to 17 may provide proof of their enrollment in a school in Rhode Island (class schedule, transcript, report card, etc.) in lieu of a photo ID. Proof of home address must be provided if not stated on school documents. Ages 13-17 may also have their application signed by their parent or guardian*, who may provide identification/address validation on the minor’s behalf. Both the parent or guardian and the minor must be present to apply for a library card.
Juvenile Borrowers:
Ages 0-12 must have their application signed by a parent or guardian*, who may provide the above identification/address validation on their child's behalf. Both the parent or guardian and the child must be present to apply for a library card.
*The parent/guardian is responsible for the lost or damaged materials borrowed by their child.
Full Service Library Card - Free
- Available to residents of Rhode Island, Pawcatuck, Stonington, and the Stonington side of Mystic (must show current proof of residency)
- Also available to Rhode Island property owners (must provide a tax bill)
- Card is valid for 2 years
- Patrons may borrow up to ninety-nine (99) items on their card; 10 of those being media. There are no restrictions to the types of material being checked out.
- Patron is allowed Ocean State Library (OSL) wide borrowing privileges
Local Use Only Nonresident - $25.00
- For permanent nonresidents (anywhere other than RI, or Pawcatuck, Stonington, and the Stonington side of Mystic)
- Card is good for one year and must be renewed annually at a cost of $25.00 per year
- Twenty-five (25) items may be checked out on a card at a time, 6 of those may be media
- Card is only honored at the Westerly Library, no holds are permitted
- Does not include Libby, Kanopy, and Hoopla
Full Service Nonresidents - $245.00
- For permanent nonresidents (anywhere other than RI, or Pawcatuck, Stonington, and the Stonington side of Mystic)
- Card is good for one year and must be renewed annually at a cost of $245.00 per year
- Ninety-nine (99) items may be checked out on a card at a time, 10 of those may be media
- Patron is allowed Ocean State Library (OSL) wide borrowing privileges
Approved by the Memorial and Library Association Board of Trustees on August 15, 2023.