This month's exhibit will feature pieces from local artist Ivona Herzog! Head to the Hoxie Gallery from 5-7 pm Wednesday, October 2nd to "Meet the Artist". Her pieces can be viewed in the Hoxie Gallery through the month of October during library hours.

About Ivona Herzog:

Born in England, and having moved to the USA at the age of 10, Ivona Herzog Verbeke has enjoyed making art since she was a child. As a self-taught artist, Ivona developed a fascination with faces, and focused mainly on portraits during her high school and college years. After getting married and taking on the life of a Navy spouse, she branched out into landscapes, spurred initially by being stationed in Scotland and inspired by the beauty of the country. Ivona has lived in such far-flung places as Guam and Hawaii over the course of her husband’s career, but they always seemed to make their way back to Connecticut, where they eventually retired.

Ivona has been active in the Navy Submarine Spouses' community for many years, often contributing to their silent auctions. A highlight was being commissioned to do the cover for their annual calendar for 2012. A print of this piece is included in this exhibit, as the original painting, entitled "Daddy's Home", was gifted and showcased in a senior submarine Commander’s home.

After a period of relative inactivity, Ivona has recently come back to the art world, focusing mainly on water-soluble oil work, with the occasional piece of watercolor, colored pencil, or pen-and-ink. She is available for commissions, and can be reached at