The library will open at 1 PM on Tuesday, March 4th for Staff Development.
Non-Traditional Materials Borrowing Policy
Non-Traditional Materials Borrowing Policy
Westerly Library and Wilcox Park (Library) provides a collection of non-traditional library items, a Library of Things (“Thing”), that complement its mission to strengthen community and enrich lives by stimulating intellect and sparking imagination through access to literature, information, technology, nature, and the arts. Items are purchased and maintained in accordance with its Materials Selection Policy.
Patrons who borrow a “Thing” agree to abide by this policy. Signing a copy of the policy indicates the patron’s agreement with the policy for all current and future borrowing. Agreement to this policy will be noted on patron’s account.
Lending Criteria
Eligibility – Full access OSL Card with no fines or overdue items
Age Requirement – Cardholder must be 18 years or older
Holds – None except patrons may call 24 hours ahead for museum passes
Loan Period – Unless otherwise noted, 1 week for “Things” except 3 days for museum passes
Borrowing Limit – 1 per family/household: museum passes & backpacks; 1 per patron/household: hotspots; 2 per patron: other “Things”
Renewals – None
Late Charge - $1.00 per day
Return – All items must be returned inside the library, or the patron may be subject to temporary borrowing restrictions
Patron Responsibility
- Not all “Things” may be suitable for all members of the community. Responsibility for a child’s use of “Thing” lies with the parent or guardian.
- The “Thing” may only be used in compliance with the “Things” directions and manufacturer’s guidelines. Patrons shall not make any modifications or alterations to the “Thing".
- While staff can provide a basic overview of “Things,” by borrowing the item, the patron is certifying that they can use them in a safe and appropriate manner.
- Once a library item is checked out to the cardholder, it becomes the patron’s responsibility. They are responsible for damage, loss, theft, or changes in condition. For more information, see our Lost or Damaged Materials Policy.
- All “Things” must be returned clean and in the same condition as they were issued, considering normal wear and tear. Any personal data on a loaned item should be removed prior to their return.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse service to patrons who abuse equipment, or repeatedly return materials past the due date. The Library is not responsible for any liability, damages or expense resulting from use or misuse of loaned materials.
- Once a backpack or hot spot is returned, no person in the same household may check out the same type of item for 48 hours.
Approved by the Board of Trustees on October 15, 2024.