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Please join Stage Door Theater in Wilcox Park for a production of "Macbeth", directed by Eugene Celico.

Celico's vision for the production follows a more non-traditional path. "Macbeth is primarily a story of a "man gone bad" and how he deals with that. My approach to staging this production is a minimalistic one. No period costumes, no stage set pieces, no theatrical lighting. For me, it is all about the language, the dialogue and fitting the play to the space, not the other way around. For me, the story that unfolds in this play is actually happening entirely in Macbeth's head. How he deals with that is what the play is actually all about."

Macbeth is being played by Bill Corriveau. Lady Macbeth is being played by Nancy Young.

For additional information please call Eugene J. Celico at 860-514-5821.