We are partnering with URI’s Master Gardener program to offer a beginner course on flower pressing. This course will prepare you for the summer and growing season and will give beginners an idea of what to plant in their gardens this season. Our guest speaker, Cheryl Chipman will cover the origin of flower pressing, things to consider when choosing plant materials to press, and demonstrate examples of how to press flowers, as well as ideas for how you can use your pressed materials once you create them.

Preregistration is requested, but not required. Please contact Reference at reference@westerlylibrary.org, or (401) 596-2877 x306 for details.

About the presenter:

Cheryl Chipman is a URI Master Gardner, a native New Englander and a life time gardener! Cheryl is a self taught herbalist and has studied their history, culture, culinary and healing uses. Cheryl’s other gardening passion is flowering and vegetable gardening. But, truth be known, Cheryl enjoys working in the pumpkin patch, pruning the grape arbor or planning next years plantings! She is happiest when her hands are in the dirt.



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