The library will open at 1 PM on Tuesday, March 4th for Staff Development.
Westerly Library is proud to remove barriers of using the library. We are no longer charging fines on 98% of our collection, including 3-week loaned books, movies, and audio books.
We do, however, carry overdue fines on a very small portion of our collection: Non-traditional items such as mobile hotspots, museum passes, and iPads. $5/day
Express loan items such as 7-day books, and 2-day DVDs. Express books are $0.10/day | DVDs are $1.00/day.
*Please note, fines free covers material circulating from Westerly Library and Wilcox Park. If you request material from another library for pick up at Westerly Library and Wilcox Park, that library’s borrowing rules, restrictions and fines apply.