The library will be closed Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Rules of Conduct
Westerly Library and Wilcox Park Rules of Conduct
We want all users to enjoy the library and park. As such, it is the policy of the Westerly Library and Wilcox Park to provide an environment that is conducive to the intended use of the library and park by all members of the public. Patrons are expected to observe the rights of other patrons and staff members. As such, Westerly Library and Wilcox Park adopted the following policy regarding conduct.
We ask that all patrons, visitors, volunteers, and staff respect the building, park, and its contents and to respect others by maintaining appropriate public behavior. Please remember:
- Eating in the library is not allowed. Covered beverages are permitted.
- The use of cell phones, pagers, and other communication devices are only permitted if used in a manner that does not disturb others. All ringers must be silenced.
- Electronic equipment should not be audible, with or without headphones.
- Impaired individuals who might require assistance in an emergency should be accompanied by a responsible person.
- Library and park users may not block aisles, walkways, entrances, or exits in any manner.
- Appropriate attire must be worn. Shoes and shirts are required.
- Should a patron’s odor, either from their body, clothes, or personal belongings so strongly impair another’s ability to use the library and/or park, they may be asked to leave.
- Children under the age of 12 must be supervised by a parent, legal guardian, or responsible caregiver. Staff reserves the right to determine whether children between the ages of 12 and 18 need require supervision while in the library or park.
The following are not allowed on library and park property:
- Animals in the library with the exception of service animals. Beginning on March 15, 2011, only dogs are recognized as service animals under titles II and III of the ADA. All animals must be restrained in the library and park. Owners must pick up after their animals.
- The use of profanity or other offensive language.
- The use of tobacco in any form. Being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs, as well as the possession or selling or alcohol, controlled substances, or weapons.
- Rearranging, defacing, damaging, destroying, or removing library or park furniture or exhibits.
- Vandalism or deliberate destruction of library or park property or items.
- Theft of library materials or personal property. Violators will be prosecuted.
- Verbally or physically threatening or harassing patrons, volunteers, or staff including stalking, staring, or lurking.
- Any consensual or nonconsensual sexual acts including touching, obscene actions, or indecent exposure.
- The use of wheeled devices in the library or park. This includes skateboarding, roller-skating, bicycling, scooters, and shopping carts. This excludes the use of wheelchairs, walkers, assistive scooters, and strollers.
- Loitering and sleeping.
- Panhandling, soliciting, or conducting surveys except as authorized by the library.
- Fires, grills, and fireworks.
These rules are not all inclusive of every behavior that will be regulated by the library and park. Any behavior or activity that interferes with others use of the library and park, work performed by staff, volunteers, or patrons or legitimate library or park business/use will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to prohibit any behavior or action, which we feel, may be inappropriate or disruptive.
People failing to follow the Rules for Patron Behavior may be asked to leave the library and/or park. Action will be taken should anything interfere with another’s’ ability to use/enjoy the library or park or endangers one’s safety or health.
Repeat offenders may have their access to the library limited for a period of time. Individuals who habitually violate these rules or threaten or endanger others may be banned from the library. Library staff will enforce all library rules and, if necessary, call for police assistance.
We appreciate your cooperation in maintaining a pleasant atmosphere in both the library and park.
Approved by the Memorial and Library Association Board of Trustees May 20, 2014
Updated and approved September 15, 2015