Parent Support Network’s (PSN) CORE (Community Outreach Response Efforts) Team is a mobile harm reduction outreach program that operates statewide in Rhode Island, supporting people who use drugs and those experiencing housing instability.
The CORE Team employs dual certified Peer Recovery Specialists/Community Health Workers who provide direct recovery and harm reduction support to at-risk individuals within the community.
When a region within Rhode Island is experiencing higher than normal overdose rates, the CORE Team deploys outreach workers to target the affected region and provides recovery and harm reduction support (such as Naloxone distribution, needle exchange services and fentanyl test strips, clean pipes, etc.) to at-risk individuals as well as community organizations, businesses, and home delivery services.
The CORE Team helps educate communities across the state on overdose awareness and prevention through naloxone trainings and harm reduction practices; as well as providing support and referrals to inpatient treatment, medication assisted treatment, recovery housing, self-help-based support, Peer Recovery Support, HIV/HCV testing, and basic needs assistance.
Tables will be located inside the library side entrance doors from 10-11 am and out on the esplanade of Wilcox Park from 11 am-4 pm. For more information or support, please contact Stacey Levin, Manager at 401.603.6069 or